Our Services

Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Recruitment of seafarers and maritime industry workers for all levels and skill sets services to the ship owners/managers, which includes seafarers‟ employment intermediation services. These services can be provided individually or collectively. Business Consultancy Services for ship owners: technical, crew management, seafarer training, manning and recruitment; Seafarer and Marine worker training. Ship...

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Quality Policy & Objective

QUALITY POLICY To Endeavour the MSE to enable to provide qualified seafarers to those customers in a quality management manner. To achieve customers satisfaction in a continual improvement manner QUALITY OBJECTIVE To achieve customer satisfaction to be not less than 90% To ensure customer complaints not to exceed 10% of seafarers provided.

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Objective, Mission and Vision

Our MISSION To provide our clients with the highest standards of quality and solutions in order to meet with their goals. Our VISION To be among the best providers of qualified seafarers and constantly improving and maintaining quality management system. Our VALUES: Safety Commitment Consistency Efficiency Responsibility Respect for individuals...

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